Spreading God’s Glory in Uncharted Areas.
Uncharted is an area of land not mapped or surveyed. It’s hard to believe in 2025 that in the area of Missions, there are unreached people groups that have not heard the Gospel of Jesus. At CFC we desire to raise up senders and goers to take the Gospel to Unreached and Uncharted places of the world.
Conference Dates: February 27th & March 2nd
Conference Schedule
Thursday, February 27th
7PM: Session 1 – Speaker, Brooks Buser
Sunday, March 2nd
9AM & 10:45AM: Session 1 – Brooks Buser & Saudi Experience (D Bldg)
- Attend Session 1 during one hour and the Saudi Experience Experience the other.
- CFC Missionaries will have booths in the courtyard to share about their work.
4PM – 7:15PM: An evening with Brooks including dinner.
Please arrive at 3:45PM as we will kick off the sessions at 4PM.
Kids Mission Conference
Sunday, March 2nd
9AM & 10:45AM: Kids programing is available as usual for all ages.
4PM – 7:15PM: Kids Conference
Ages 0 – 5th Grade. Dinner will be provided. Registration Required. You can register adults and kids on the same registration above.
Meet Our Speaker

Brooks Buser, President of Radius International
Brooks Buser is a graduate of San Diego Christian College. After graduation Brooks worked in finance and later as the CFO for a Dutch Multinational. Eventually he and his wife, Nina, felt the call to missions through the scriptures and the confirmation of their church elders. In 2003 they left for the country of Papua New Guinea and spent 13 years church planting among the Yembiyembi people. By God’s grace they were able to develop an alphabet, teach the Yembiyembi how to read and write in their own language for the first time, teach Genesis through Revelation, translate the Scriptures, disciple elders and deacons and see a strong church established among the Yembiyembi.
In 2016 they returned to San Diego and the following year Brooks was named President of Radius International. He now leads their 4 campuses around the world that train missionary candidates how to church plant among the last unreached language groups on earth. Brooks holds an honorary PH.D. for his work in Linguistics and Bible Translation from his alma mater.