Todd & Terri

Picture of Todd & Terri


Proclaim! International – Public Evangelism using creative means, especially music. Partnership with Precious, a ministry fighting against human trafficking and outreach to prostitutes in Germany and Switzerland. Public Evangelism using creative means, especially music. Investing in the lives of Germans to encourage them to follow and serve Jesus, including Terri leading a women’s Bible study and Todd working with German musicians in local and international evangelistic endeavors.  Todd also serves as one of the four co-Directors of Proclaim! International.


Over the last two years the Lord has been opening up opportunities for us to use jazz music to minister in lands far beyond Western Europe.   In places where the free proclamation of the gospel is often not tolerated, we have seen the beauty and truth of the gospel begin to make inroads into people’s hearts.  We know of two individuals in East Asia who have placed faith in Christ, and several others who are interested and being drawn to our Savior.

Todd was encouraged to see a man at our church in Germany start to get more excited about using his gifts to serve God. This man hosted a Next Exit concert at his home, in an effort to reach his neighbors. He now uses his musical gifts in the church and continues to look for opportunities to reach others for Christ. A man with whom I and two co-workers were able to share at one of our concerts is now meeting regularly with a brother from our church. It was so good to see a church member get actively involved in the follow-up.

Since 2010, the Precious ministry has had contact with people from over 30 nations. Several have contacted the Precious team in an attempt to get out of the sex industry. We are assisting them in this process, while encouraging them to pursue a relationship with God (we know of two that have successfully left this profession). 
During the fall of 2014 we began helping with teaching English to Germans.  Our plan is to help again this spring.  Pray for relationships to develop outside of class so we have a chance to share our lives with each other and our purpose for living.


A dedicated and gifted team of co-workers.

We are asking the Lord for new supporters.  Please contact us if you would like to help us spread the word about the work we are doing.  Thanks for praying for this!

Wisdom for Terri as she teaches Community Bible Study.

Provision to enable us to continue working in China, and for increased travel plans in 2016.

Direction and creative ideas as we continue to look for ways to minister to the refugees in our region.

Call to Christ


The Lord called me, to Himself in 1995 while reading a Gideon Bible in a motel room on a business trip. I had heard the gospel for the first time ten years prior to that, but rejected it then. God let me see how miserable living a self-led life could be. I was unhappy and unfulfilled, until the night I decided to take Jesus at His word when he said, “Here I am, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and have fellowship with him and he with me.” I realized that this promise was for me, if I would just trust Him, and I did. Terri was blessed to grow up in a home with Christian parents and trusted in Jesus as a child.  

Call to Missions


I began feeling a burden for the lost while being in a mall packed with people, and realizing that most of them probably did not know the Lord, and that they did not even realize their need. As I grew in my faith, the thought of anyone spending eternity in hell pained me greatly. My first short term missions trip to Europe brought me face to face with people who were thirsty for the truth, and I was thrilled to see God use my musical training in combination with evangelism to reach these for Christ. I knew then that God had made me to be His vessel to bring hope to a lost world.


While attending a missions conference at CFC at the age of fifteen, the Lord began to draw my heart to missions and I began corresponding with missionaries. It wasn’t until six years later that I went on my first short term missions trip and loved it! After my fourth short-term trip in 1995, I knew God wanted me overseas somewhere doing something! Being slow on the obedience end, I did little to make this a reality. In July 2001, I took some steps to confront my fears about the mission field, sought wise counsel and enrolled in Perspectives. As I confronted my fears, they began to dissipate and my conviction grew stronger. Not wanting to disobey again, I applied with Proclaim! Along the way, Todd and I began dating…