
Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru)

Picture of Deborah


Jesus Film Project is a Jesus-centric media ministry focused on reaching everyone, everywhere with the message of Christ. We believe in the story of the gospel and the power of sharing this story through the JESUS film.

The film called JESUS is a biblically accurate docu-drama on the life of Jesus based on the Gospel of Luke. The desire is to reach the least, the last, and the lost in their heart language. “We are committed to reaching every person in their heart language so that they personally understand Jesus’ love for them.”


Film brings the story of Jesus to life in ways that transcend written communications. This is true especially in oral cultures–places where written communication is scarce. When people see the life of Jesus portrayed on screen, it is life-changing.


  • Pray for this ministry and the people groups around the world still waiting on the message of Christ.
  • Go…consider going on a short-term mission trip

Call to Christ

The Lord opened my eyes to the Truth on August 27, 2007 by using a co-worker to share the gospel with me. Now I can’t express the gratitude I feel knowing that I am a new creature in Christ; and that I have been forgiven and freed from sin. Because I know that salvation is by grace through faith, I want everyone to know how to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus, and spend eternity with Him. Because of the Lord’s great love for me, I am committed to serving Him through the Jesus Film Project and doing my small part in seeing the message of Christ reach every tongue, tribe, and nation. The Lord commands us to make disciples of all the nations, and as long as He enables me I want to do my part in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Call to Missions

The Lord began to call me away from corporate America and invite me into full-time ministry at a Christian Family Chapel missions conference in 2011. The Lord used my interest in travel, my appreciation of different cultures, and my heart’s desire to see everyone hear the message of Christ to lead me to the Jesus Film Project. I was captivated by the fact that I could be part of a mission to take the greatest love story of all time to everyone, everywhere in their own heart language. 

Your partnership can make a significant impact in reaching people of every tongue, tribe and nation for Christ!