Imagine what it would be like for an entire community to love each other well!
BLESS represents 5 practices in your everyday life which demonstrate love for your neighbors. Neighbors is being defined as those who physically live near you and also those around where you work and play! Where you spend time regularly.
BLESS is grounded in the Old Testament (Genesis 12:1-3-blessed through Abraham) and lived out by Jesus.
When asked which is the great commandment in the Law, Jesus said “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:36-39
Jesus came eating and drinking – He was a friend of sinners (Luke 7:34-35).

Ask the Lord to give you a heart that aligns with His, a heart that loves the people around you.
Commit to pray daily.
Here is a resource to help.
(Click to download and print)
Ask God, “How do you want to use me to bless the people in my life?”
Who are your neighbors?
Here is a resource to help.
(An APP is also available)

How do I become a better listener?
Ask yourself these questions about the people you live, work and play with.
Am I a good listener?
Fill out this short self-assessment to see how you score!

How do I plan?
Here is a resource with some ideas for sharing a meal together.
Make time to gather!
When we write down our goals, we are far more likely to achieve them! Download and print this calendar, and schedule out some meals with your friends, neighbors, and co-workers!

How can I serve those around me?
Need inspiration to help you find ways to serve your neighbors? We have some ideas for you along with information on ministries at CFC that may help you meet the needs of our neighbors.

How can I share my story?
Each of us have a story to share. Here is a resource to help you organize your story so you feel equipped when God provides an opportunity to share.
Holiday Conversations
The holiday season is a perfect time to connect with family and friends on a deeper level. This guide helps you navigate meaningful conversations—from getting to know others better to exploring spiritual topics and sharing the hope of the Gospel. Use this season to build relationships and reflect Christ’s love.
Neighborhood Block Party
Looking for a fun way to meet your neighbors or build relationships? Host a block party! You can even have your neighbors help as a way to serve together. Click below for 4 easy steps to organizing and block party.
New Mover Outreach
Have you ever moved to a new part of town or even a new city? Your stuff is packed in boxes, you
have a long list of things you need to get connected or turned on and on top of that you don’t know
anyone on your street! You aren’t sure if the stares from your neighbors as they slowly drive past
your house is from a friendly curiosity or not. What should be a celebratory occasion can be a
difficult, lonely ordeal.
Now, imagine a neighbor coming by, welcoming you with a plate of warm, fresh cookies inside a
thoughtfully built welcome basket. Wouldn’t that change your “move in” experience?
CFC’s New Neighbors outreach is a great opportunity to introduce yourself and the CFC community
to new movers through a gift of a welcome basket.
Resolutionary BLESS
Every year people make commitments to try something new or re-engage in a favorite pastime, both of which can open doors to countless opportunities. Whether playing pickleball, frequenting a favorite restaurant, or starting at a new gym, people everywhere are waiting to hear about Jesus.
“Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” Proverbs 16:3
Our desire is to be a BLESSing to our neighbors as the hands and feet of Christ and put Him on display in our community. We believe Matthew 22: 36-39 and desire to live it out.