CFC Members, Attenders or Those Currently Without a Church Home

If you are a member or attender of Christian Family Chapel or if you currently do not have a church home, and you would like to receive biblical counseling from the Hope Center, you will need to read and complete a Personal Data Inventory form and agree to the Consent to Counsel, which is attached to the Personal Data Inventory.  

PLEASE NOTE:  We will need a separate Personal Data Inventory form from each person that is to be involved in the counseling. Once these forms are received, you will be contacted by us to discuss timing and scheduling.  The more flexible you are in your availability, the more quickly you can be placed with a counselor.

What will be expected of me?

We know that certain activities will be very helpful to your finding the answers to the problems of life. Therefore, we have set certain expectations for your benefit. Normally, counseling sessions will last 1 – 1 ½ hours per week and will generally continue for 10 – 16 sessions. You will be expected to make attendance at your sessions a priority and to complete weekly assignments that give hope and help. You will need a 3 ring binder notebook and paper and your Bible at all sessions, including the first session. Be sure to bring them each time. We recommend one of the following Bible translations: NASB; ESV, NIV OR NKJV.

During counseling, you will also be expected to attend a weekly worship service here at Christian Family Chapel. You will also be expected to participate in one of CFC’s family groups or small group discipleship opportunities.

Is there a wait list?

Due to the demand for counseling, you may be placed on a waitlist.  Please don’t let that discourage you from requesting counseling.  In the event there is a waiting list for counseling, we believe our first priority is to shepherd our own flock (1 Peter 5:2).   Therefore, first priority will be given to members and attenders of Christian Family Chapel who desire biblical counseling.  Second priority will be given to people who do not have a church home because they do not have spiritual shepherds.  If you don’t have a church home, you will be asked to attend services at Christian Family Chapel as a condition of counseling.   If you are not a Christian Family Chapel member/attender and want to be put on the member/attender list, this can happen by beginning to attend Christian Family Chapel. We would love to have you.