Track 2 will build upon the foundation developed in Track 1: Fundamentals. In Track 2, the workshops will continue to address important and common issues presented in counseling as well as provide practical helps for a person in one-on-one ministry. Track 2 will offer 20 hours of instruction over 2 different weekends.
Who Should Attend?
Anyone who has taken the Hope Center’s Track 1: Fundamentals in Biblical Counseling (or a comparable course from ACBC) who wants to sharpen their counseling and ministry skills for the purpose of helping others use the Scriptures to respond to the difficulties of life in a way the pleases and glorifies God. Participants will also grow in their own knowledge of God’s Word and be challenged to grow in Christlikeness. For those not seeking counselor certification, Track 2 can be taken with or without having completed Track 1.
(Approved by ACBC for 20 CEU credits.)
Course Schedule & Cost
Dates for 2025
(20 hours of instruction over 2 weekends)
January 10th & 11th
February 7th & 8th
Friday Session: 6PM – 9:30PM
Saturday Session: 8AM – 3:45PM
Christian Family Chapel
10365 Old St. Augustine Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32257
Attendee | Early Bird (until 5/31/24) | Until 12/31/24 | After 12/31/24 |
CFC Member | $65 | $100 | $125 |
CFC Member & Spouse | $140 | $175 | $200 |
Non-CFC Member | $90 | $125 | $150 |
Non-CFC Member & Spouse | $165 | $200 | $225 |
Student (Ages 16-21) | $60 | $95 | $120 |
Course Information

Lisa Anderson
ACBC Certified Counselor
ACBC Assistant Supervisor

Tony Anderson
Elder & Executive Pastor/Pastor of Counseling,
Christian Family Chapel
ACBC Certified Counselor
Director, Hope Center, ACBC certified training center

Brett Johns
ACBC Certified Counselor
Elder at Christian Family Chapel

Shirley Johns
ACBC Certified Counselor
MABC, The Master’s University
Author, From Heartbroken to Hopeful

Becky Hollis
ACBC Certified Counselor

Traci Mathies
ACBC Certified Counselor

Michele McKee
ACBC Certified Counselor

Doug Rutt
Pastor-Teacher at Christian Family Chapel

Bill Winton
ACBC Certified Counselor
Middle School & Missions Pastor at Christian Family Chapel
- A Biblical Response to Shame
- What to Do with All That Information? Case Reports – A Tool Not a Chore
- Counseling the Bizarre, A Case Study
- Eating Disorders and Self-Harm
- Thinking Biblically about Personality and Personality Testing
- Suicide, When Death Seems Better Than Life
- Living Godly with an Ungodly Spouse
- Counseling Parents of Prodigal Adult Children
Helping Counselees Understand Grief and Experience God’s Comfort
Helping Blended Families
Counseling the Lonely
Identity Crisis: Who I Am in Christ
Training Counselees to Study the Bible
Wielding the Transformational Weapon of Prayer
Biblical View of Finances
Helping the Judgmental Counselee
End of the Beginning (When to Terminate Counseling)
It is expected that students will attend class sessions in their entirety. In the event a conflict prohibits attendance for a scheduled session, then a video of the session will be available online in order to make up the session. Enrollment is limited so we encourage you to sign up quickly to reserve your spot. Only registered students will be permitted to attend the sessions. Childcare will NOT be available for this class.
I am not sure I want to formally counsel as part of the Hope Center. Is there still benefit in taking the training?
Absolutely. The training is truly for counseling and discipleship, and we are all called to be disciple makers. So the training is great to equip you to disciple wherever you are and with whomever you are in relationship.
Besides serving as a counselor, will this training equip me to serve in other functions?
YES! There is a need for spiritually mature and trained men and women to serve as accountability partners for people struggling with life enslaving sins. Our community classes (DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids) need trained people who can encourage people in hard times with the truth of Scripture. Trained family group leaders are in a position to recognize issues and help people in their groups solve problems before they become too severe. In short, since all ministry is disciple making, this training will be beneficial for any ministry you chose to serve in.
I am busy but I want to take the training. Is there homework?
No! We encourage you to review your completed notes between weekend sessions but there is no assigned homework.
What is the training format?
The training follows a two-weekend format; March 3-4, 2023, March 31-April1, 2023. We will be offering 9 workshops per weekend. Friday night sessions will run from 6PM to 9:30PM and Saturday sessions will run from 8AM to 3:45PM. All workshops will be video-taped and made available to our students for make-up purposes.
Will child care be provided?
Unfortunately no.
Will lunch be provided on Saturday?
Yes, lunch is included in the price of the course. Additionally light snacks will be provided at several of the breaks. We are unable to address specific dietary needs, so please feel free to bring your own lunch.