Track 1: Fundamentals offers the basics of Biblical counseling and is taught by CFC’s Biblical Counselors and Pastoral staff. The course offers 40 hours of instruction over 4 different weekends. Completion of the course will satisfy Basic Training Course requirement of the Association of Certification Biblical Counselors’ (ACBC) certification process. For more information on ACBC certification, please visit the ACBC website at biblicalcounseling.com.
Who Should Attend?
Anyone who wants to grow in their knowledge of God’s Word and how to lovingly and competently apply its truths to the issues of life.
Those who want to pursue one on one counseling or discipleship as a ministry.
Those who want to sharpen their ministry skills: counselors, teachers, parents, pastors, elders, deacons, small group leaders, youth leaders…any growing Christian.
Course Schedule & Cost
Dates for 2025
(40 hours of instruction over 4 weekends)
Jan 10th & 11th
Feb 7th & 8th
March 7th & 8th
April 4th & 5th
Friday Session: 6pm – 9:30pm
Saturday Session: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Christian Family Chapel
10365 Old St. Augustine Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32257
Attendee | Early Bird (ends 5/31/24) | Until 12/31/24 | After 12/31/24 |
CFC Member | $115 | $175 | $200 |
CFC Member & Spouse | $215 | $275 | $300 |
Non-CFC Member | $140 | $200 | $225 |
Non-CFC Member & Spouse | $265 | $325 | $350 |
Student (Ages 16-21) | $75 | $135 | $160 |
Discounts: Spreading Biblical Counseling
It is our desire that more churches will embrace Biblical counseling and seek to equip men and women in
their congregations to help others in their communities solve real problems using the Scriptures.
To encourage that we offer the following discounts:
If you are a pastor on staff at a church. If you register you may bring one additional person from your church for no additional costs. To take advantage of this offer please email Tony Anderson
We offer group discounts for groups of five(5) or more from the same church.
To inquire, please email Tony Anderson.
Course Information

Tony Anderson
Elder & Executive Pastor/Pastor of Counseling,
Christian Family Chapel
ACBC Certified Counselor
Director, Hope Center, ACBC certified training center

Lisa Anderson
ACBC Certified Counselor
ACBC Assistant Supervisor

Dr. Lee Edmonds
ACBC Certified Counselor
Chief of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine,
Bassett Healthcare Network

Brett Johns
ACBC Certified Counselor
Elder at Christian Family Chapel

Shirley Johns
ACBC Certified Counselor
MABC, The Master’s University
Author, From Heartbroken to Hopeful

Kim Kutsch-Hayes
ACBC Certified Counselor

Michele McKee
ACBC Certified Counselor

Doug Rutt
Pastor-Teacher & Elder at Christian Family Chapel
Why Should I Counsel
The Theology of Biblical Counseling
A Comparison of Counseling Philosophies
Helping Others Live the Spirit Empowered Life
Biblical Roles of Husbands and Wives
Helping Others Who are Depressed
Communication and Conflict
Idols of the Heart
Biblical Parenting
Biblical Forgiveness
Trials and Sufferings
Counseling Others Struggling with Fear and Worry
Counseling Those with Physical Illness
Counseling Those with a Mental Illness label
A Biblical Response to Transgenderism
Guilt and Repentance
Counseling Those in Life-Enslaving Sin
A Biblical View of Finances
Counseling the “Angry Man”
How to Help the Prideful
Biblical Decision Making
Counseling the Abused and the Abusive
It is expected that students will attend class sessions in their entirety. In the event a conflict prohibits attendance for a scheduled session, then a video of the session will be available online in order to make up the session. Enrollment is limited so we encourage you to sign up quickly to reserve your spot. Only registered students will be permitted to attend the sessions. Childcare will NOT be available for this class.
I am not sure I want to formally counsel as part of the Hope Center. Is there still benefit in taking the training?
Absolutely. The training is truly for counseling and discipleship, and we are all called to be disciple makers. So, the training is great to equip you to disciple wherever you are and with whomever you are in relationship.
Besides serving as a counselor, will this training equip me to serve in other functions?
YES! There is a need for spiritually mature and trained men and women to serve as accountability partners for people struggling with life enslaving sins. Our community classes (DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids) need trained people who can encourage people in hard times with the truth of Scripture. For CFC members, this is great training for leading discipleship classes such as Scriptural Salve for Your Soul (women) and Strong, Firm and Steadfast (men). Trained family group leaders are in a position to recognize issues and help people in their groups solve problems before they become too severe. In short, since all ministry is disciple making, this training will be beneficial for any ministry you chose to serve in.
I am busy, but I want to take the training. Is there homework?
No! We encourage you to review your completed notes between weekend sessions but there is no assigned homework.
What is the training format?
The training follows a four-weekend format. One weekend a month from January 2023 to April 2023 (January 6-7, February 3-4, March 3-4 and March 31/April 1) we will be offering 10 workshops per weekend. Friday night sessions will run from 6PM to 9:30PM and Saturday sessions will run from 8AM to 5PM. All workshops will be video-taped and made available to our students for make-up purposes.
Will childcare be provided?
Unfortunately, no.
Will lunch be provided on Saturday?
Yes, lunch is included in the price of the course. Additionally, light snacks will be provided at several of the breaks. We are unable to met special dietary needs so please feel free to bring a lunch if you wish.