Serving Opportunities

Why We Serve

Through serving we glorify God, build relationships and put the love of Christ on display to others. It’s a privilege to engage in the work of Christ according to the gifts and passions given to us by the Holy Spirit.

Kid's Ministry

Welcome families and care for infants through 2 yrs. to allow parents to participate in services.

Sundays at 9:00AM or 10:45AM. You can choose to serve one Sunday a month or weekly.

Sign-Up Here


Large Group Teacher: Will teach large group lessons to all preschool classes. We provide lesson prep and notes to help you put together an age appropriate lesson. Training is provided.

Small Group Leader: The preschool small group leader is responsible for leading the class, and facilitating activities, and discussions.

Substitute: Once a month commitment to be “on call” to step in if the scheduled teacher needs to call out.

Craft Prep: This is an at-home job to help with cutting and prepping of crafts for preschool. You will work with the preschool director to schedule pick-up and return to CFC as needed.

Security: Monitor parents and children to have proper check-in tags before entering the preschool area during drop off and pick up.

Coordinator: Greet families as they arrive and assist new families with finding classrooms. Monitor the hallway to ensure classes are running smoothly. Be prepared to jump into a classroom to assist with any issues that may arise.

Opportunity Details:

Day of the week: Sunday
Role: Behind the Scenes, Large Group Teacher, Upfront
Frequency of serving: Once a month, Weekly

Sign-Up Here

Large Group Teacher: Will teach large group lessons to all either upper (grades 3-5) or lower (grades K-2) elementary classes. We provide lesson prep and notes to help you put together an age-appropriate lesson. Training is provided to equip you before teaching.

Small Group Leader: The elementary small group leader is responsible for leading the class, and facilitating activities, and discussions.

Substitute Leader: Once a month commitment to be “on call” to step in if the scheduled teacher needs to call out.

Security: Monitor parents and children to have proper check-in tags before entering the elementary area during drop off and pick up. Weekly or Monthly serving opportunities.

Greeter: Welcome families and assist in check-in as needed. Will be trained by Kid Min Ministry Assistant to gain an understanding of Rock database. Weekly or Monthly serving opportunities.

Floor Coordinator: Greet families as they arrive and assist new families in locating classrooms. Monitor the hallway to ensure classes are running smoothly. Be prepared to jump into a classroom to assist with any issues that may arise.

Opportunity Details:

Day of the week: Sunday
Role: Behind the Scenes, Large Group Teacher, Upfront
Frequency of serving: Once a month, Weekly

Sign-Up Here

Volunteer in SuperKids Classroom: This once-a-month position provides the opportunity to serve in our Super Kids program with special needs kids once a month. Training is required with Super Kids Director.

Buddy: Individuals to serve a special needs kid within a classroom setting, this is a one-on-one serving position. This person will help assit special needs kids as necessary. Will work closely with the Super Kids Director and parents of special needs children to have knowledge of how to serve kids specifically. Training is required with Super Kids Director.

Substitute: This person will be on call to step in and serve in Super Kids program as needed when a regular serving teacher needs to be out. Opportunities at both 9:00 and 10:45 am. Training is required with Super Kids Director.

Opportunity Details:

Day of the week: Sunday
Role: Behind the Scenes, Large Group Teacher, Upfront
Frequency of serving: Once a month, Weekly

Sign-Up Here

Assist parents and children make book selections as well as check-out books from the library. You will serve 10:15 – 10:45 am. This is a monthly serving position

Opportunity Details:

Day of the week: Sunday
Role: Behind the Scenes
Frequency of serving: Once a month

Sign-Up Here

Assist in supply organization and craft preparation as needed for special events and activities. This may include preparing food and other items.

Event Preparation (includes but is not limited to Crosswalk, Christmas, Easter, Missions, and Teacher Appreciation)

Opportunity Details:

Day of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Role: Behind the Scenes
Frequency of serving: As needed

Sign-Up Here

Small Group Leader: Responsible for leading class, and facilitating activities, and discussions. This position does not include teaching a large group lesson.

Large Group Teacher: Teach large group lessons to all Truth Quest students. We provide lesson prep and notes to help you put together an age-appropriate lesson. Training is provided to equip you before teaching.

Supply Coordinator: Prep Truth Quest teacher bags with any and all supplies needed for the week. This can be done anytime during the week when the church campus is open.

Check-In/Greeter: Welcome families and assist in check-in as needed. Will be trained by Kid Min Ministry Assistant to gain an understanding of Rock database. This is a weekly serving opportunity during Truth Quest.

Substitute: Be “on call” to step into any age class if the scheduled teacher needs to call out during Truth Quest.

Security: Monitor parents and children to have proper check-in tags before entering the gym area during drop off and pick up. This is a weekly serving opportunity during Truth Quest.

Opportunity Details:

Day of the week: Wednesday
Role: Behind the Scenes, Large Group Teacher, Upfront
Frequency of serving: Once a month, Weekly

Sign-Up Here

College Ministry

Our desire for the serve team is that they have 2 loves. A love for Jesus & a love for college aged students. We have seen if these 2 things are in line, you make a great leader!

Opportunity Details:

Days of the Week: Wed, Sun
Role: Upfront
Preference Area: Students, Discipleship
Area of serving: On Campus, CFC Ministry


Connecting Ministry

Lead and facilitate a small group study using questions from Sunday sermons. Establish relationships with group members. Membership required.
Twice a month as scheduled. Location may vary.

Sign-Up Here

Serve where needed 1 Thursday evening a month.
Thursdays from 6:45PM to 8:15PM weekly.

Prayer is a special and powerful gift from God! We believe prayer is as essential as a heartbeat for a healthy church. “The Praying Church” gathers weekly as a praying community to praise the Lord for how He is working and ask for His leading and provision for the needs of our body. This group regularly prays for our leaders, missionaries, ministries and each other. All are welcome to join at any time!

Sign-Up Here

Greeter/Guest Services : Welcome people to our campus on Sunday mornings or Thursday evenings. Answer any questions they have. Help guests navigate our campus whether it is to children’s check-in, a specific auditorium or class, or to The Table.

Food prep/Cook: Our Hospitality Team serves as front line ministry in our Guest Luncheons, Worship Nights, Courtyard events and various other connecting events.

Food Servers: Serve and replenish food trays at Guest Luncheons (3 per yr.), Worship Nights (3 per yr.), Courtyard events and various other connecting events. You may choose to serve at some or all of these events.

Set-Up /Clean up for events: Set up and clean up for Guest Luncheons 3 times a year, Worship nights 3 times a year, Courtyard events various as needed. You may choose to serve at some or all of these events.

Serve Ice Cream at Thursday Services: You’ll need a warm smile and a love for ice cream!

The Table: Serve a good cup of coffee with a warm conversation. No experience necessary, training will be provided. This is a great place to serve from older teen to older adult.

Opportunity Details:

Days of the Week: Thu, Sun
Role: Upfront, Behind the Scenes
Preference Area: First Impressions, Sunday Service Experience, Urgent Need
Area of serving: On Campus, CFC Ministry

Sign-Up Here

This ‘front line’ ministry is a great way to provide Christ-like hospitality to our members, guests and visitors. Ushers provide a warm welcome, kindly facilitate seating, provide help where needed, and serve the elements of the Lord’s Supper when scheduled.

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Greet people as they drive onto our campus, direct traffic and facilitate efficient use of parking spaces on Sunday Mornings (Start time 8:15am).

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The Table is an exciting place to connect to our community as well as with CFC attenders. We currently have openings to serve on Sunday mornings or Monday through Friday. The Side Table, located in our courtyard, is open Sunday mornings serving coffee. No experience needed, training provided.

Sign-Up Here

The online greeter welcomes those joining us for worship on our livestream via the chat feature. Often the livestream is someone’s first interaction with CFC so the online greeter might be their first hello. The online greeter may also have an opportunity to pray via chat with someone who requests prayer while watching online.

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Global Impact

Choose a CFC Missionary and join their Sending Team to support them on the mission field.

Join a Sending Team

Receive weekly texts regarding CFC-related missions activities and prayer requests. To join text @cfcmi to 81010.

High School Ministry

Wednesday Nights: On Wednesday nights we provide a setting for students to receive bible teaching so that unbelieving students will be raised up to new life in Christ and believing students would grow up in their faith. We meet 6:30-8PM in the High School building.

Agape/Andrizo Groups: The purpose of Sunday nights is to make disciples by building relationships with students. All our students are invited to join an Agape (females) or Andrizo (males). We meet 5:30-7:30pm from September-May

Opportunity Details:

Days of the Week: Wed, Sun
Preference Area: Students, Discipleship
Area of serving: On Campus, CFC Ministry

Sign-Up Here

Local Impact

Serve on a team to reach out to those residing in skilled nursing facilities in Mandarin. Serve once a month.

Sign-Up Here

A team that helps facilitate receptions for funerals held at CFC. Responsibilities include working with a team receiving food, set up, hosting, and clean up.

Sign-Up Here

There are many ways you can serve.

Handy Man Team: This is a group of people willing to be called upon when people need help with things around their house (ex. basic repairs, common maintenance, cleanup around the yard/house, installing new locks, etc.)

Meal Team: This is a team that is willing to sign up and bring meals to people after surgeries, new babies, deaths in their families, or other life changing times. You will have options to make meals to deliver, or arrange for picking up at CFC.

Sign-Up Here

Promote Christian citizenship in the marketplace through participation in voting, supporting sanctity of life and fighting to stop human trafficking.

Sign-Up Here

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

Teachers: Training provided including required certification to teach. Develop lesson plans and teach assigned curriculum from September to May on Tuesday evenings.

Helpers: Assist teachers and students in classrooms to promote learning as needed. September to May on Tuesday evenings.

Substitutes: Serve by being willing to be ‘on call’ when a teacher isn’t able to make it. You will step in to teach their lesson and run their classroom for the night.

Admin Team: Administer the registration and testing process of students, organize materials each week used in the classroom and other duties as needed.

Opportunity Details:

Days of the Week: Tue
Role: Upfront, Behind the Scenes
Preference Area: First Impressions, Evangelism, Local Impact
Area of serving: On Campus, CFC Ministry

Sign-Up Here

A ministry for families experiencing separation or divorce. Teaching ability is not required.

Facilitators: facilitate video led classes and discussions for adults

Kids Safe Keepers: Lead sessions for kids ages 5-12 years of age whose parents are divorced or separated. Video instruction, crafts, games, and other activities.

Meal Team: Bring meals on Thursdays for those attending DivorceCare to enjoy during their time together

Opportunity Details:

Days of the Week: Thu
Role: Upfront, Behind the Scenes
Preference Area: First Impressions, Urgent Need, Those Suffering, Evangelism, Local Impact
Area of serving: On Campus, CFC Ministry

Sign-Up Here

Facilitators for small group discussion focusing on recovery from the death of a loved one.  This 13-week curriculum includes video and workbook resources.  Facilitators must have life experience with loss and subsequent healing plus rebuilding of life.

To serve reach out to

Trunk or Treat on 10/31.  Volunteer as a trunk, gamer, food, translator, helper.

6:30 to 8 pm in front of the Table.

Middle School Ministry

Our desire in the Middle School Ministry at CFC is to grow fully devoted, spirit empowered Christ following students. We meet in the Locker Room (Middle School Room) for bible study, games, crazy fun and more games!

Wednesday Nights: We throw lots of balls at each other, play games, laugh, give out prizes, and share a short lesson from the Bible. It is a fun environment for students to bring their friends & introduce them to Jesus!

Sunday Mornings: We want our students to grow in their knowledge and application of the Bible. Each week, students learn as they sit at tables with other students and a caring adult leader. The training is presented in a fun, engaging style and then the students discuss what they learned at their tables, and how they can make application from what they’ve learned in their life during the coming week.

Sunday Afternoons: A time of Bible study, prayer, fellowship, accountability and fun. Groups are divided into 5-8 students of the same gender. Each group is assigned a caring adult leader that guides their time together.

Opportunity Details:

Days of the Week: Wed, Sun
Role: Upfront, Behind the Scenes
Preference Area: Students, Discipleship
Area of serving: On Campus, CFC Ministry

Sign-Up Here

Worship Team

Singing together honors the Lord, stirs our affections for Him and encourages the Body! Here is a place to employ your God-given musical abilities to help us sing well! Our team strives to lead songs that are artistically beautiful, congregationally accessible, and theologically rich – as well as build a great community of musicians who love the Lord and want to follow Him!

Sign-Up Here

Production Team

Direct video production on Sunday mornings while coordinating between North & South auditoriums. No experience necessary.
One Sunday a month.

Sign-Up Here

Operate audio console in the North, South or Thursday night venues. No experience necessary. Training provided.
One Sunday a month and typically one rehearsal.

Sign-Up Here

Operate projection equipment to display song lyrics, graphics and video presentations on Sunday morning. No experience necessary, training provided.
One Sunday a month with one Wednesday night practice.

Sign-Up Here

Operate mounted cameras to capture worship for livestream and online services on Sunday mornings. No experience necessary, training provided.
One Sunday a month.

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