Church Membership

What is Discovering Church Membership (DCM)?

This is a multi-week class designed to help you learn about Christian Family Chapel, our beliefs and our ministries so that you can decide if you are ready to become a part of our family and place your membership here.  We want you to know that taking the class does not obligate you to join CFC and become a member. 

When is DCM offered?

The next class begins on Sunday, March 9th, and runs for four consecutive weeks.

Where is the DCM Class?

We meet on Sunday morning from 9:00 – 10:15 AM in room E1 (located next to The Table Coffee Shop).

How Do I Join a DCM Class?

To secure your spot in the class, please complete the online registration link below. Submit a separate request for each person attending.


 If you have any questions you can call the church at 904-262-3000 or email