We Hope You’ll Join Us For a Christmas Eve Service.

We will have five services and each service is the same, so pick the available time that works best for you and your family. Tickets are free and help us to know how many to expect for each service so please select one ticket for each person attending the service.
Child care is available at all services for kids age 0 – 4 years old.
Monday, December 23rd
Tuesday, December 24th
3pm • 4:15pm
5:30pm • 6:45pm
The 5:30pm service on December 24th will be available on Livestream.
Portuguese and Spanish translation available at the 6:45pm service. You can download the Interactio App, and use code “CFCJAX” to listen to the translation.
Joining Us For The First Time?
Here is where to find us.
10365 Old St Augustine Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32257
We look forward to meeting you!
Nursery & childcare are located in the South Auditorium. Before and after services, Photo booths will be available in the courtyard for families to take a special family Christmas Photo.