Couple in the Middle East

Picture of Couple in the Middle East


Unreached Muslim People Groups in The Middle East

*For security reasons, names and photos have been omitted*


The focus of our ministry is planting making disciples that make disciples resulting in a church planting movement. That means our heart is to see The Gospel established in the hearts and practices of locals and to see locals reproducing and governing the body in a biblical, God-honoring manner. We want to practice “4Es” and see them practiced after we are gone: Evangelize, Establish, Equip, and Export.  

We want to Evangelize so that Muslims might know and experience the glory and love of Christ demonstrated in the Gospels by Jesus Christ our Lord.

We want to Establish among every people group a church. We will gather families and friends to worship God together, to build each other up in Christlikeness, and to bear each other’s burdens.

We want to Equip every Muslim Background Believer (MBB) to defend, share, and deepen their faith. We plan to work ourselves out of a job, desiring for local believers to take over our ministry; therefore, they must be taught to teach, preach, shepherd, etc. To do this they must be taught how to read The Word.

We want to Export from every church called individuals to join in the ministry of missions.

Our Prayers

That God would bless us with supernatural language acquisition.

That He would bless us with incredibly driven and devoted teammates.

That he would continue to soften Muslims hearts around the world bringing them to Himself.

That He would continue to draw our hearts and affections to Him.

That He would start a movement among Muslims in the people group we are working with. 

That He would protect us from instability in the region and allow us to have longevity in the region.

Call to Christ

His Call

I was at a VBS when I was five, they were doing a space themed program and The Gospel was presented. I remember going to one of the leaders and wanting to have this personal relationship with Jesus that they talked about. I didn’t immediately experience radical life change. I was five. I continue to grow in love with Jesus and strive to live a life more like His, resting in His grace and sufficiency when I fail which is often. I love Ephesians 1:4 “just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love” (NASB). Well before I was five God was calling me to Christ.

Her Call

I grew up in a Christian home – Sunday school, praying before meals, and reading my Bible were all part of my life since I was little. I decided to become a Christ follower when I was 6 years old, praying with my mom and younger brother before bed. Though I believe that decision was sincere, I didn’t really start growing closer to Christ or make my faith my own until high school. Until then, I did things because I was supposed to, not out of love and devotion to Christ as the most important part of my life. My junior year of high school I went on a short-term trip to Jamaica and there the Lord showed me that I had a selfish faith – God loved me and saved me, and I hadn’t really thought about the rest of the world, many of whom had never heard His name, let alone about His love. That’s really the point in time where I can say I truly gave my life over to Christ for His good work, instead of trying to add Him into my life and my plan.

Call to Missions

His Call

In Middle School I went on my first Short-Term trip and there my life was rocked, and I was first introduced to the Global Mission of The Church. The next year God began showing me His plan for my life. Every year I continued to go on some ST trip to get a better understanding and awareness of Global Missions. I began getting distracted towards the end of High School and pursued what I thought would give me purpose and fulfillment. In God’s perfect plan I was heavily involved with several on-campus ministries and was asked to lead a ST trip. On that trip God stopped me in my footsteps and reminded me of His calling on my life. Since then I’ve been asking God the simple question of what’s the next step. He led me to a wife, a ministry, and many incredible mentors. In faith and to the best of our knowledge we are excited to follow God where He is leading us in the Middle East.

Her Call

Jamaica 2013 is when the Lord first opened my eyes to all the people who didn’t know Him, and in the years that followed He began to burden my heart immensely for them. In 2016 God started impressing on my heart that I was going to become a missionary. That was terrifying and ambiguous, so I ignored Him for months. Finally, that Summer at Power Up Clubs, Doug asked us all to name something God was calling us to give up. Well, I barely got the question out before God told me to give up my “American Dream” and “Go” overseas. All ambiguity disappeared and I freaked out because this was NOT part of my plan…but it was clearly part of His plan from the beginning, and on this side of things I am so thankful for it. As I continued to give up more and more of my life and plans, He led me to study archaeology in college, discover an overwhelming love for Arab Muslim women that could only have come from Him, fall in love with a guy who was already working in the Middle East, and eventually marry and start making plans to go back.