Justin & Shannon

Picture of Justin & Shannon


We have three focuses:

Medical and healthcare needs

Teaching and training pastors through the Lighthouse Bible College

Planting churches throughout Kenya according to the Joshua Project


For depth of relationships that would draw people to the Light in us.

For searching, hungry hearts to seek out the Answer.

That our hearts would be ever more drawn to be like that of the Father’s and our passion for the lost would surpass our fear of all else.

That our girls would have hearts to seek desperately after God and our time on the mission field would fan those flames.

For protection from the evil one in our marriage, our family, and our ministry time.

Call to Christ


I was at Vacation Bible School at CFC. I was 6 at the time and the teacher gave a clear presentaion of the Gospel. I went home and talked to my mom and dad about it and they again explained the Gospel message to me. I prayed to receive Christ as my Savior and Lord with them that night in their bedroom.


When I was four and half I sat down with my mom and she drew a picture showing us on one side of a chasm and God on the other. Our sin separated us from Him and the only way across was Jesus. We must trust his death on the cross to cover our sin so we will be clean and able to live with God forever in Heaven. I prayed with her then and gave my life to Jesus.

Call to Missions


It began with short term mission trips in high school as I saw not only the physical condition of the people we were with, but also their spiritual condition. God continued to work in my heart and give me a burden/passion for the unreached and the poor. Through college I continued asking for God’s direction and He continued to lead my heart to the unreached and the poor.


My parents’ best friends were missionaries in Chad, Africa, so missions was always a part of our lives. When I was 12, I was looking at the bulletin board of the commended missionaries at my church and was struck with how great God’s gift to us was and how much He deserves our whole lives. I knew then and there that He deserved nothing less than my all for Him and that I wanted to be a missionary someday too.